Panel discussion - From Lab to Market: Investing in Longevity StartUps that Deliver.

Prof. Stefan Catsicas

Founder & Managing Partner
Skyviews Life Science
Lausanne, Switzerland
Founder and managing partner of the Swiss advisory company Skyviews Life Science, and of the UK-based investment company Precision Health Corp., both
specialised in longevity, preventive and personalised Health. Co-Chair of the investment committee, Longevity Fund by Clinique La Prairie.
He’s one of the world’s leading experts in Longevity. He served as Professor and Chairman of Cell Biology at the Lausanne School of Medicine, as well as Vice President Research at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale,Switzerland).
He was department Head at Glaxo and Chief Technology Officer, member of the executive Board, of Nestlé Global.
He co-founded and served as an advisor to several biotechnology companies and major investment funds.
He lives with his family in Switzerland.